Physical Access Control Systems

Ready to take advantage of the benefits of Access Controls but not sure where to start? 

We can help! Our access control experts will meet with you at your facility location, provide a full scope & needs analysis and develop a detailed site plan with recommendations. 

Site Survey & Consultation

Ready to protect your
people & property?

Access Control Systems

Protect Your People and Property

In today’s climate, physical security for buildings and campuses is top of mind for most businesses.

Access Control is a security method that regulates who has access to facility areas and resources. There are two types of access control: physical and logical – both are integral components of an organization’s overall security and risk management plan.

Physical access control systems manage access to buildings, facilities, or rooms, while logical access control manages connections to company computer networks, files, and resources.

Technology has transformed access controls from the simple lock & key to electronic computer-based systems with seamless visibility across all access points, robust user management tools, and integration capabilities with other security systems.

Can access controls benefit your business?


Modern, physical access control platforms provide many benefits for organizations, including:

Getting Started with
Access Control Systems

With rapid technology advancements, increased security features, and countless integration possibilities, access control platforms are alluring and simultaneously complicated.

With so many options and platforms, how do you know which access control system is right for your organization’s specific needs? And how do you ensure the one you chose will integrate with your current systems AND support your future growth?

Access Control Site Survey & Consultation

What's Included:

PHDTech is a leading provider and installer for modern cloud-based access control platforms. While we get super geeky about access control technologies, we also understand the choices can be overwhelming for most businesses that just want a better way to protect their people and property – without super complicated integrations and learning curves.

PHDTech’s Physical Access Control Free Site Survey & Consultation is the answer.

Our access control experts will meet with you on-site to understand your facility layout, physical security needs, current access control systems, credential requirements, and integration with other security systems such as surveillance cameras, monitoring, and visitor management.

Ready to protect your people and property?

Schedule your complimentary site survey and consultation today!

Access Control Site Survey
& Consultation